9am service

Sunday Communion

  • reflective sacramental worship
  • 30 minutes

At 9 am Communion we gather in a circle or round a table to pray, reflect, and share the Lord’s Supper with each other.

Communion at St Andrew’s and St George’s West

Sharing Communion is fundamental to our faith life.

Jesus shared a simple meal with his followers just before his death. In blessing and sharing bread and wine with each other we affirm his presence with us over two thousand years later and renew our commitment to love and service.

Come and break bread and share wine with us at any of our Communion services.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper:

  • twice a week – at 1pm every Tuesday and 9am every Sunday
  • on the last Sunday of every month after 11am Morning Worship
  • at Easter and on the last Sundays in January, June and October.

everyone is welcome at our table

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