Sunday worship 29 August

A distinctive people

The service today is led by Rev Rosie Addis, from St. John’s  Episcopal Church, one of our partner churches in Edinburgh City Centre Churches Together. You can download an order of service at the link below.

Due to technical problems, the service video stream finishes at around 21  minutes, as the handbells are played. You can download a copy of the rest of the service, including Rosie’s sermon, to read below. Many thanks to Rosie for supplying a copy of it.

👉  Order of service 29 August

👉Rosie Addis sermon 29 August


Jane Brown recorded A prayer for Life and Work Sunday, written by Rev Derek Browning.


Scripture Reader: Al Marcham
Prayers: Jane Brown and Alison Campbell
Pianist: Jean Keltie
Technical team: Alison Bruce, Susan McLarty, Mary Margaret Scott, Phillipa Burgess, Amy Marcham


Scripture readings taken from the New Revised Standard Version 
Title image: Pixabay
Other images: STAGW members & friends, Pixabay and Unsplash
All hymns from Church Hymnary 4th Edition
Hymns used under licence from CCLI 247862
Streaming licence 351013
and ONE LICENSE #A-734408

St Andrew’s & St George’s West Church of Scotland Edinburgh. Charity SC008990 



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