St Andrew’s and St George’s West, 10 April 2022 , Palm/Passion Sunday

Between hosanna and hallelujah

Today’s service is led by Rev Dr Rosie  Magee and Alison Hay. You can download an order of service at the link below.

👉Order of Service Palm Passion Sunday 10 April 2022

Scripture Reader: Rebekah Smith
Organist/pianist: Jamie Turnbull
The Choir of St Andrew’s and St George’s West
Technical team: Alison Bruce, Susan McLarty, Mary Margaret Scott, Phillipa Burgess, Amy Marcham, Ruth Forrester

Scripture reading(s) taken from the New Revised Standard Version unless otherwise stated.
Call to worship and sending written by Thom Shuman,
‘Through the Hosannas’ by Sally Foster-Fulton in ‘Step Gently in the World’
‘There will be no flight to Egypt’ by Josie Smith in Eggs and Ashes, Wild Goose Publications
‘We will remember the soothing’ from Stages on the Way, Wild Goose Resource Group.

: STAGW members & friends, freelyphotos, pixabay and unsplash except for…
Hymn 484 v3 Foot washing by Gill Poole  via Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0 (image cropped)
v4 Dan Arndt , CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Hymn 367 v1 grace lutheran church via Flickr CC BY 2.0  (image cropped)
Hymn  372 v3 Fr Lawrence Lew OP via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

All hymns from Church Hymnary 4th Edition
Hymns used under licence from CCLI 247862
Streaming licence 351013
and ONE LICENSE #A-734408

St Andrew’s & St George’s West Church of Scotland Edinburgh. Charity SC008990

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