Online worship 28 February 2021

Bring many names


Today’s service, for the second Sunday in Lent, is led by Rev Dr Rosie Magee with Selda Dow. You can download an order of service at the link below.

👉  Order of service 28 February 2021


Scripture Reader: David Dow
Director of Music: Brigitte Harris
Cornet and voice: David and Selda Dow
Piano and voice: Katie and James McNeill
The Choir of St Andrew’s and St George’s West
Vocal ensemble: Eleanor Cozens, Eleanor Wilson, Caitlin McGillivray, Tim Cooper, Drew Crichton, Andrew Carvel, James McNeill
Technical team: Alison Bruce, Andrew Carvel, Susan McLarty, Mary Margaret Scott
Digital Coordinator: Andrew Carvel


Spill the Beans issue 38 ©2020 Spill the Beans Resource Team
Seasons of the Spirit: Sunday 28 February to Saturday March 6 2021 Wood Lake Publishing Inc.


Title image: Joel Kramer via Flickr. Creative Commons CC BY 2.0
Introit images: David Dow
Hymn images: STAGW members & friends, Pexels and Pixabay

Hymns used under licence from CCLI 247862
Streaming licence 351013

St Andrew’s & St George’s West Church of Scotland Edinburgh. Charity SC008990

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